Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Welcome to Global Intelligence!

Aloha and Welcome to Global Intelligence. This blog is dedicated in providing global news that affect the way we live today. News that can benefit ourselves, family members, and our friends. The goal for this blog is to get readers to think globally, because today we live in a Global Society, where kids born in the 21st century will be competing with others not only in their states, but also with people from across the country. Hopefully people start to realize that it's time to wake up and prepare ourselves for this great phenomena.

I've been reading about blogs for awhile, but wasn't quite sure whether to start one or not. Even if I did, what would I write about? I started looking at my interests, and realized that I've been really excited about global issues and events happening in the 21st century. The thing that really helped me decide in the end was a TIME magazine I was reading today at Costco. The cover caught my eye, "How To Build a Student For the 21st Century" You can read about the article here, and I'm sure you'd agree that it's really an eye opener for not only students, but for parents as well. Being a student myself, it helped me realize that I need to get my act together, or else I'll be left behind. I'll do a reflection on this article in the weeks to come, but for now, I welcome you to Global IQ and hope to see you soon.

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